Switching banks can seem overwhelming. We’d like to make your move to First Eagle Bank as easy as possible.
Just follow the simple steps below and remember our Relationship Bankers are always ready to assist you with any questions at 630-893-3800 or 312-850-2900.
Step 1: Open a First Eagle Checking Account
Step 2: Use the Following Tools to Transfer to Your New Account
- Transfer your payroll by giving your employer our handy ACH credit form.
- Download our ACH credit form or ACH debit form to help you get started or take a look at our helpful list of links to many common companies where you can set up or switch your ACH online.
- Stop writing checks on your previous bank account and transfer any automatic credits and debits.
- If you receive social security, download the Social Security Form. Bring it to the bank to complete and we can call Social Security (800-772-1213) to work through the process.
Step 3: Close Your Old Account
- Keep your previous bank account open for about 60 days while these changes are being made.
- Write a check for the remaining balance in your old account and deposit into your First Eagle Account.
Make sure to keep your old account open until the ACH debits or credits are transferred to your new account.
List of Common Companies You May Need to Contact
Credit Cards
Stay on Top of Your Monthly Bills
Health Club